Madrom Mobile Sounds code was given to Madrom by Zump of Rivers. This document on how to add MobSounds to your room written by Etaine. MadROM muds at telnet 1536 Adding 'sounds' for your Monsters and Rooms for MadROM area builders. Madrom mob 'sounds' compliment, and are not a substitute for our mobprograms. Mob sounds are both more flexible and less flexible than MobPrograms. Basically what mob sounds do is allow you to make a mob send a message to everyone who is in the room the mob is in, on a random basis. The messages can be as many lines long as you want, but watch out for spam! Mobprograms, of course, can make a mobile do much more than this, but are not as flexible when you DO just wish to make the room or the mobile send certain random messages to the character. IF you are using mobprogs to send random (randprog) message to the room, use MobSounds instead as they are less likely to cause the mud to lag :) Mob Sounds are very very easy to add. A few examples follow below. 1. Syntax: X sound (percent of time you want mob to say message) (message) ~ 2. How to add into area files: Just add the above lines for sound, at the end of the mobile you wish to have the sound, in the #MOBILES section. Example: #MOBILES #2001 buffalo beastly~ a beastly buffalo~ A beastly water buffalo clomps around here. ~ You see a enormous shaggy beast clomping towards you! ~ beast~ BT N 800 S 35 3 1d1+750 1d1+300 5d4+3 5 -5 -5 -5 0 ABCE 0 AB 0 8 8 2 0 0 0 M 0 X sound 80 A huge shadow clomps towards you!~ X sound 60 $n growls and clomps away.~ #2002 next mobile~ Explanation: X sound <- the lines for sound must always being with X 80 <- is the %...this buffalo will send the message about 80% of the time. A huge ...ect <- is the message sent to all in the room..must end with a '~'. $n <- may personalize the message with the mobiles name. Your choices are : 1. to have the mobiles name NOT show at all in the message 2. use $n to have the mobiles short description show in message. 3. $e is the he/she for the mobile 4. $s is the his/her for the mobile eg X sound 40 $n stomps $s feet around = A beastly buffalo stomps her feet around. Spammy sound is anywhere from 60 to 100 % setting A good percent to set your sound at, so it will be sent but not toooo much is anywhere from 30 to 45 %. Use any # of messages per mob, but keep in mind the spam factor! :) To make a room send messages to the player: eg the player is standing in the magic shop and gets the message: 'The magic shop walls shimmer and fade.', simply put this message on a mob permanently stationed in that room ( I gave that message to the wizard shopkeeper in the magic shop) OR if you wish the room to appear to have no mobiles, ask me how best to do this. Thats it.