________        _
MMM    |         \     / \  DD  "DON'T GET STUCK IN THE MUCK!"
MMMM  MMMM    _ AAA\  |___|  DD -============================-
MM  MM | MM  | AA  AA\ ___  __DD   ___     _____     ___  ____   _______
MM_____|MM   |AAAAAAAA|   ||  DD__|   |__ /     \ __|   |/   /_/       /_______
MM_____| MM  AA     AA| DDDDDDDD__|   |_/   /\    \_|      /__|    __/________/
MM ____|MM  AAA   /AA_|DDD|| DDD\/    ||   |_/    /_|    /_____\   \ _______
   \___|    AA   \AA__DDD ||DDD       ||  MMMM  /_/||   |_____|\_\   \ ____/
      _|     |\    \ _|DDDDD\        /_| MMM MM    ||   |_____|        \_
         \                        O F  MM U D   MM  UU   UU     DD   /
          \___________________________MMM______MM__UU__ UU__DDDDDDD_/
                                               MM UU   UU  DD   DD
                                ROM, MAD Version!  UUUUU  DD   DDD
               Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               Based on MERC 2.2 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
               and on ROM 2.3, copyright 1993-1995 Russ Taylor
               MadROM 23.9 base code by Madman =)

                    Live since Feb '94 and still going!

         ***  MadROM can always be found at: madrom.net 1536  ***
     *** PROBLEMS? (Even psychiatric!) email madrom@madrom.net ***

Welcome to MadROM's home - still running after all these years. I know you're not running like you used to, weary traveler, but we have to take what we can get. You may remember this land from your early college days, before you got drunk and high 24/7. You may remember the many now-cliched internet arguments we all either loved or hated, including hated to love and loved to hate (yes, this was always someone else's fault, SPITZKA).