This document shows you to write socials for Rom 2.2 or 2.3 muds. Whether or not the socials are funny is up to you. :) MadROM muds at: telnet 1536 - Etaine First of all: an example of a social which has every case covered: shwing ShhhhwiinG! $n$h thrusts $s pelvis out and SHWINGS! You tuck in your butt$h and thrust your pelvis out at $N. $n$h SHWINGS $N! HooBoy! $n thrusts $s pelvis at you$h and SHWINGS! Who? You$h thrust your pelvis at yourself and uh... $n$h thrusts $s pelvis at $mself and SHWINGS! Some people need a life! Some definitions: Character - the player who types out the social Victim - the player who is the victim/target of the social Room - all other players in the room, who are not 'Character or Victim' No argument - means the Character typed the social name by 'grin'. There are 9 messages that can potentially go to the players. In order, these are: Name of social Message to Character when no argument is given. Message to Room when Character types social with no argument. Message to Character when Victim is specified and found. Message to Room when Victim is specified and found. Message to Victim when Victim is specified and found. Message to Character when Victim is not found in room. Message to Character when Victim is self. Message to Room when Victim is Character himself. The messages should be no longer than 70 characters each (one line each). Dont capitalize any letters in social NAME, use 'grin' not 'Grin' Usually Socials include ALL 9 possiblities. However, if you only want a social to give some of the messages, here is the format: 1. If you make messages for the first 2 or 3 messages, then want no more, simply end the social with a #. Here is an example: amiga You're gonna stay in school forever! Ack!! $n is a perpetual student! # The above gives social name (MUST have social name always) and Message to Character when no argument is given, then the Message to Room when no argument is other messages are sent. If, for example, a player typed 'amiga self' nothing would happen. 2. If you make messags for say 4 of the 9 different messages, but want to skip send message 1, 3 and 5 only, you must put a $ in the empty lines you wish to skip. Here is an example: crash You feel compelled to CRASH in on a quest. $n desperately wants in on the DragonLord's next quest. $ You Crash all over $N! $ $n Crashes into you! # Finally, you can add these in your socials wherever appropriate: $n character name $N victim name $e he/she (character) $E he/she (victim) $m him/her (character) $M him/her (victim) $s his/hers (character) $S his/hers (victim) and for MadROM's autohappy and autogrumpy social options, add in: $h (for both autogrumpy and autohappy adverbs eg grumpily/happily) To add socials to your Rom: In your areas directory, you should have an area called social.are. The file's first line MUST be : #SOCIALS The file's last two lines MUST be: #0 #$ And just add in your socials in between. Thats it.