The Chronicles of Therra ..after the Marshlands

as written by the Keeper of the Lore, Bert

But our story left off without telling what happened to Remiez. Remiez spent many days under the watchful eyes of the healers of Midgaard, and some even wanted to bring in the Oracles of New Thalos. Then it started happening. Strange and brutal murders. Other mysterious rumors came forth from the Western Forest that evil worgs were wandering about. One shaken traveller even said there was one area that was plagued by large and horrid spiders. Then one night, someone found out what happened to Remiez. A healer went in to check on Remiez when they discovered he was not there. Guards were summoned and a search party sent out. The result was a monsterous fight between the Midgaardian party and what had become Remiez, the First Lycanthrope. The battle was swift and the carnage intense. Those who didn't die soon wished they had, for they became Remiez's first unwitting subjects. When tales of the battle got out, Wendo Ali-Toban,the Sultan of New Thalos immediately dispatched a large force of guards to help defend it's ally Midgaard, though some say it was because he was scared. In any event, fewer and fewer travellers went out west. Fredrick Von Saladin, Mayor of Midgaard then, decided something needed to be done. In the middle of one fateful night, he went alone to see the werebeasts. He managed to get close enough to discover something aweful. They had built themselves their own village!

Fredrick decided then and there that peace was his only option. He walked into their village and demanded to meet with Remiez. The werewolf guards were shocked, but not as shocked as Fredrick was to discover the extent of the Lycanthrope Village. They had shaman, thieves/spys, even mages! Remiez knew that he couldn't kill the mayor without bringing down all the forces of good upon his village, yet he had to do something. Thus, the Treaty of Saladin was formed. It in essence said that there would be no governmental military action (which means neither village could muster an army to beat up on the other) and that neither could sanction individual actions against the other. The one last thing that was settled upon was that Remiez had to go into exile, to a place that only Remiez and Fredrick knew about. Fredrick had one year to settle things in Midgaard, and then he must join Remiez in exile. Thus was the Treaty of Saladin formed and signed.

That is not to say that is all that happened under the Golden Rule of Fredrick Von Saladin. He managed to also rally an army against the Spider Queen of Arachnos and confine her to a very small area of the Western Forest of Midgaard. Six days after Fredrick signed the Treaty of Saladin, he took half of the Midgaardian militia and the entire force that the Sultan of New Thalos sent, and using the knowledge that Remiez had given Fredrick about the Forest and its denezins, marched against the Spider Queen. In what would have been a complete victory for Fredrick turned quickly against him when an ancient Dragon appeared. The Dragon grabbed both the Spider Queen, who had been grievously hurt, and Fredrick (after he consumed some of Fredicks men as a snack) and vaulted high into the sky. After what seemed like days (and really was for once), the Dragon landed and conjured forth food for both (which both found revolting to their individual tastes). They ate the bland meals and then found out what the Dragon wanted. He said that if there was ever that much noise again so close to its' lair, it would devour both sides and make sure there would be no future generations so it wouldn't have to listen to their senseless droning. At that point a brillant green dragon flew in and landed next to the other dragon. With that, the green dragon took them both back to the battle spot and placed them both down. The Queen Spider was almost willing to continue the fight untill the Green Dragon said in a surprisingly feminine voice "I've been instructed to take up my lair somewhere in this forest to insure that no one disturbs the long slumber of my husband. For should he be awakened, he would wreck horrible venegence upon all of Therra!" With that, she gracefully leapt into the air and disappeared from sight. And thus tells the end of the third chapter of the Chronicles of Therra.

MadROM's homely hut.