Player Search Results
Name |
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Nighty the Burglar~ |
54 |
Thief |
greySilently He stalks up behind you and redWHAM greyyour on the floor unconscious never knowing what hit you but you here a faint snickering behind you..But Who???? greyWhen you get up you notice you are in an alley...nobody there...then suddenly...redPOOF greyOut of a trash can pops up the Ultimate Fighting Machine...He is muscle bound and he has bloodBloodShot eyes grey...whoever enters his alley is there for him to take his vengance out on....
Froggy is feelin' himself!~ |
91 |
Warrior |
black. pea.--. _.----._ __ black. pea/_.--;_..-''''---''`` .:. `-.`-. black. peac-'`.'.-. '. '::. .::. '::' '. `) black. .pea'o (green(cyan0green)pea) ' ':::' .::.:. ' black. pea( '-' green.-. pea.:' .::' '_...._| black. pea'._-..__ green'-' pea. .:' .-' .' '-. black. pea`''--::-_, __, '::' .' .' black. pea ,`'' / / / / , | black. pea-.__\/(___| |`'''-----'`| | .-' / / black. pea.`-. | _____ ` _.-' / black. pea`-.-'--`-._ _/ _.;--. `- __.:.--'` black. miscjgs pea`'` '------';` _.' black. pea`--`
brownThis is easily the biggest frog you've ever seen! as he reaches out to touch you, you feel better. Suddenly, you feel the urge to lick his shimmering skin. Before you decide to kill the slimy disgusting thing, he is gone.
misc peaFroggy, beast of swampland and boggy mire.misc
Why are dwarves easier to hit than giants? The answer lies in the higher density of the dwarf, which increases their gravitational pull on the projectile. Explaining why you always hear people say: 'I was aiming for that 20 foot giant, but the damn dwarf got in the way!'
Thisnthat the Myrmidon~ |
46 |
Warrior |
Here sits a huuuuge blackBLACK DRAGONASH sitting on a big brown Pile of Goldash 'Now little mortal why shouldn't i redeatash you' she snickers. Her redJblueAgreenWbrownSash slowly open and her head moves forward, OMG shes going to eat you! suddenly the blackDragon'sash jaws close and she starts to laugh. 'Sorry i never have visitors so i wanted to have a little greenfunash with you, please dont be mad' she giggles This is greenTblackHREDIBLUESYELLOWnBLACKTREDHBLUEAGREENTASH