Player Search Results

Name Level Class Description
Khorgain is craptacular, thanks for asking~ 42 Mage
You nearly trip over something that wasn't there a second ago
Looking down you are surprised to see a dwarf frowning up at you
And what a sight! fingers with old worn and tarnished rings covering them
Old dirty talismans and charms around his neck
His clothes are loose fitting, but old and ratty looking
His once dark hair now liberally speckled with grey
Two angry eyes glare up at you from under deeply furrowed big bushy eyebrows
Finally he grunts and walks away mumbling about bumbling big people
who are always trying to step on him
He looks back over his shoulder at you and quickly utters
a word you've never heard before, while gesturing with one hand
and to your surprise yet again, he suddenly disappears!