Player Search Results

Name Level Class Description
Pixie , not the stick, but the fairy. You know? The yellowfairy!misc~ 56 Thief
ashAnother description bites the dust!
The wonderful thing about Pixies are Pixies are wonderful things.
Their tops are made out of sneezes, their bottoms made out of
dings. They're sneezey, sneezey, fun, fun, fun... The wonderful
thing about Pixies is I'm the only one... I'M THE ONLY ONE!!!

black. purple({
black. purple{ { misc,white-misc,
black. purple{ { misc))) cyan*
black. purple{ { misc((( violet/
black. purple{/{/misc; ,violet/
black. misc(( '
black. misc`
black. misc(/
black. yellow`) `none
peaYour backstab violet*-*-> DIVINELY STRIKES <-*-* peathe angry pirate's head! white[1190]none